Norton-in-Hales CofE Nursery & Primary School

  1. Key Information
  2. PE & Sport Funding

PE & Sport

At Norton in Hales C E Primary School we recognise the values that a high quality physical education (PE) and school sport curriculum gives pupils. We believe that it should form an integral part of the whole school curriculum that staff, pupils and parents can understand and contribute to. This is why our school vision is displayed on our website and promoted throughout school.

In 2013, we welcomed the Government’s announcement, that as part of the Olympic legacy programme, they will allocate funding to primary schools to spend on improving the provision of PE and Sport. The initiative started in September 2013 and was anticipated to go through to 2020. 


Each financial year our school receives approximately £8000. Any funding not spent in one year can be carried forward. The DFE website suggests possible uses of the funding, but it is ultimately at the school’s discretion and we are committed to using this resource to ensure our vision is realised.


Development Plan & Progress


The PE & Sport Development Plan, listed below, details how we intend to carry out our mission along with an action plan detailing how we have budgeted to use the funding over the academic year.

We will provide an annual report on our progress to achieving our vision, including details on the actual funding spend.

PE & Sport Development Plan

PE & Sport Development Plan


 Our Vision

Be the best that you can be


Our Mission

To achieve our vision Norton in Hales CE Primary School is dedicated to:

  1. Developing high quality PE lessons, alongside greater opportunities for a broad range of sporting competitions and clubs.
  2. Ensuring appropriate resources are available for lessons, clubs and competitions to ensure pupils are given the best opportunity to be the best they can be.
  3. Ensuring pupils, of all sporting abilities, develop and achieve important qualities of discipline, resilience, communication, team work and ambition, leading to improved concentration, attitude, academic achievement and a lifelong participation in sport.
  4. Providing opportunities for pupils who show ability and talent in a sport to pursue it through outside clubs and offer support within school to allow them to be the best they can be.
  5. Providing opportunities for our older pupils to mentor our younger pupils and help organise sporting events including Sainbury’s School Sports Day.
  6. Utilising professional coaching to develop both our pupil’s sporting skills and that of our teaching staff (through CPD) to achieve a lasting sporting legacy.
  7. Showing that our sporting opportunities support other learning right across the curriculum.
  8. Promoting personal health and fitness in a fun, encouraging environment.
  9. Providing greater communication to pupils, parents, staff and governors.

 Our PE and Sports Development Team

PE and Sport Lead: Mr Chris Thompson

The Norton in Hales PE & Sport development team, consisting of Staff, Governors, Parents and Pupils explore and propose the best approaches and use of funding across the school to deliver our vision. The team consult teaching staff, parents and pupils to ensure our PE & Sport Development Plan creates the best outcomes for pupils and our school.

For information about current sporting activity, visit our School Sport page 

Together Everyone Achieves More

"Be the best that you can be"


Pursue your goals persistently.

 Make your fondest dreams come true

 and most of all believe in you.


Thanks to Cricket Shropshire and the Chance to Shine charity, Tuesday 30th April 2024 saw us have a brilliant day of cricket at our Cricket Engagement Day today. Our enthusiastic coach Nigel has worked with all of our pupils (from Year 6 to Nursery) to help develop catching, throwing and batting skills. There has been lots of hard work, fun, laughter and, unusually for cricket, we even managed to get a sunny day too!